Bless Ministries of Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar
Dong Za Mung is a young man in his early thirties who has spent his life making ready for the great work God has for him to do. He is a minister that moves and has his breath in his ministry to the people of Myanmar. Living in the city of Yangon, Dong's passion is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to this nation also known as Burma. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit at thirteen and was teaching in Sunday School the next year. Dong received his Bachelor in Theology degree when he was twenty-five and by the time he was thirty he received his Masters of Theology degree. He worked two years in a local bible college and now he is working to build a church, education center, children's home, and a bible college. Bless Ministries of Mobile has partnered with Dong Mung to help him build his vision.

Bless Home for Children, Yangon, Myanmar
The need for helping orphaned children is great around the world. Every ministry has some type of outreach for the children who has lost their mother, father, or both. Bless Ministries of Myanmar is working with the orphanage through the church where Dong Mung is a member, to provide for orphans in their city. His vision is to have the Bless Home for Children to house all the children they presently provide for. They have managed to rent a temporary building to house the orphanage in.

Ministry is difficult and donations are few, but their faith is strong. Dong knows this is his calling and God will through his grace and faithfulness provide as the ministry grows and they are able to move into a more permanent building.

Bless Education Center
Because the ministry has only one building they use the same spaces for their education building. The Bless Education Center is where Bless Ministries Myanmar can ensure the orphans have an ongoing educations and other children in the ministry of the church can enroll also.

The education center is also being used to teach skills the orphans can use to help them with future jobs.

Out of his passion to teach people the ways of Christianity, Dong Mung has published two books in his mother's native Burmese language.
His first book entiled "The Secret Way of Success" looks at the ways one can have succes in life.

The second book is called "Understand Each Other." This book discusses ways to better understand each other in life.

If your heart is touched by this passionate ministry to the people Myanmar and you would like to help Dong Mung in his vision, please make a donation by clicking the donate button. Your donation will go to Bless Ministries Myanmar. When you donate, please enter my name in he notes of the donation form.
Please remember to pray for them as they continue reaching the people of this wonderful country.
Thank you for your kindness.

On May 2, 2016 we issued Dong Mung a certificate of license as a minister of Bless Ministries and formally established his ministry as Bless Ministries of Myanmar.