Bless Ministries Church and Grace Success Center
Matangamano, Kenya

I am Dickson Manyange Kabutu. My wife and I have committed our lives to walk daily serving our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, preaching in our home village Matangamano, Kenya, where we are met with many challenges.
At first, many laughed and scorned our preaching, but we kept preaching. Along the way we came in contact with many orphans whose parents were dead. We prayed for God to give us directions about what to do for the orphans. Our answer was, "Show love and grace to give them hope and it would change the world."
We were inspired by Psalm 41:1-2.
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive, And he will be blessed on the earth.

In 2010 I was listening to some preaching on a radio and I called upon the Lord to save me. It was not long and I found out that I could preach. Then the Lord spoke to me and called me to build a church. I opened up the church later that year with worship and preaching under some shade trees.
The Lord led us to gather 55 orphans into one place and become their care givers.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and don't hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). There is nothing greater people can do than partner together for the sake of the kingdom of God and the orphans who have no one to care for them.

We named our orphanage the Grace Success Centre. We are continuing to develop the orphanage as we educate the children through its own school.

We have prayed for a mother church to teach us in the ways of ministry that we might grow and increase with knowledge and integrity. After much prayer and searching, we were led by the Holy Spirit to Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, in the United States. After making contact with Pastor Johnny Holland, we have been accepted as partners in ministry. Bless Ministries has helped us to establish our church name and they have licensed us so we can be an official ministry in our country. We pray the exposure with this webpage will help people see our great potential. We enjoy the study materials and good information provided to us through Bless Ministries that has enabled us to grow in spiritual knowledge and understanding.