Bless Ministries Church
South Mugirango, Kenya

I am Pastor Dalmas Omwega from Nyamarambe Village in Nyanza, Kenya. My wife, Happiness Omwega, and I are the pastor family for the Bless Ministries Church of South Mugirango. We serve our community with our son Adons.
We began our ministry in 2018, working independently to building two churches with one hundred followers. We started with my family and two good friends by evangelizing from door to door, sharing the love of God. We were able to gain 21 follows before the Covid pandemic closed us down for one and half years. We kept praying that what we started God would not let it fail, and it would continue. Once the Covid problem reduced we started meeting at my place for worship and having Sunday morning services. We meet under the shade of the trees. We were able to continue having services and we started the door to door evangelizing again. The congregation continues to grow in numbers and spiritually. We enjoy the pleasant fellowship together.

As we were going from door to door, we came in contact with many suffering families. There were homes without parents, children without clothes or food, and many had nothing at all. I was able to get the children to start coming with me to the worship services on Sundays. Now we are the proud parents of twenty-seven orphaned children. This has become an important part of our ministry each day. My wife and I are happy for this great work that has been given to us by the Lord. My family and I will keep sharing what little we have with them, and continue building them up in Jesus Christ. This is what God has called us to, and we love the work.

We have been work independently seeking ways to grow in knowledge for the purpose God has given us. I came across a website that is helping us understand things we can do to grow the ministry more. I reached out to them. Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, in the United States is helping us become a stronger church with a secure purpose in Christ Jesus. We are now established and we are able to learn things that will build up our community.

We are teaching our congregations that they are the people of God, who gather to worship the Lord, as we learn how to honor each other with a the love of God, using the Bible as our rule of faith and practice. We are training our people to be committed to each other as we become more committed to God's purpose for us as a church. We work to be a service to our community as we help people learn the advantage of following justice to bring peace to our area through the love of God.
It is important to us, that church members utilize our spiritual gifts to service the people of our community. We chose to minister through the gifts of the spirit so our church is more unified and the people of our community gain the benefits.

We are teaching our members the value giving so that we can become a self-supporting church one day. We believe that by becoming partners with Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, will we can have access to many things we were not aware of. This will help us to reach our goal of supporting other ministries in our area one day.

We print the studies posted on the Bless Ministries website to hand out as materials for people to learn from. These are good doctrinal lessons anyone can read from and learn how to be a better person for the kingdom of God.
We have a great need for bibles so our members can read and learn more than depending only upon what I preach and teach. If they had bibles they could continue growing in knowledge while they are at home.