Bless Ministries Church of Mumias
Mumias, Kenya

I am Charles Mabuka Wanyanyi, pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Mumias in Mumias, Kenya. Until recently I have been a pastor with the Africa Inland churches of the western region of Nangina. These churches work in the outreach areas of the Busia/Kakamega counties in western Kenya. Our participation with this organization is voluntary and each church is an independent fellowship capable of partnering with other associations as they deem necessary.
When I was born on December 25, 1964 my mother became very sick and my father was not willing to care for his new baby and sick wife so he left us and went to Uganda. During my mother's time of sickness my maternal grandmother cared for us in her home. These difficult years left us under the care of my grandmother in very poor conditions. I use to crawl into a sisal sack at night in order to keep warm because the only other thing we had for a blanket was a cow skin. My grandmother did the best she could being left with a sick daughter and newly born baby.

God intervened in our lives by sending an evangelist to our community preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. When he shared the gospel to my mother she accepted Jesus as her savior and the people prayed for my mother to be healed. She received the miracle of healing and recovered from her sickness. My mother later remarried and had five more children after me. She lived to be a strong believer in those dark days enduring a lot of persecution of the background of Pentecostal and Evangelical faith. She died in 1997, making sure that I understood the need for salvation. In 1969 I gave my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of five years old. I boast to this day that my mother's commitment to the Word of God was my greatest influence for salvation in my life.
I began working in ministry by becoming a Sunday school teacher from 1981 to 1984. I joined the Africa Inland Church, Diguna Mission Evangelistic Trumpets School that was scheduled for seven months, of which I stayed and work for three years. In 1987 I joined the Pwani Bible Institute and graduated after four years with a Theological Class diploma certificate. I have been working in ministry since my graduation in 1991.

I am married to Roselyne Atsieno and we have six children: five girls and one boy: Priscah Nafula, Ursula Buhure, Shekinah Sunday, Stepheny Baraka, Aurelius Yoni, and Dethum Okhasia our grandchild.
Our oldest daughter, Priscah, is
in teacher's training college.
Our Home
In 2017 I started communication with a bible teacher from the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio. Doris Homan is a speaker and blogger through the College of Business at the university. Sister Doris has been a great encouragement to me in spiritual matters and an inspiration through her blog and communications. I shared with Sister Doris that our participation with the Africa Inland Churches is not progressive enough for our desire to learn more and expand our ministry. She is a supporter of Bless Ministries Mobile USA and she encouraged me to make contact with them because they help ministries with these type of needs. Bless Ministries is assisting us to better understand things we ways to help change the lives of our people while we develop new ideas that will solve our food and social problems.

Our family works together supporting my wife's vegetable vending business as a means of financially sustaining our family while I continue to do the work of the ministry.

It is my vision to reach the people in our rural areas while training pastors, who love the work of ministry as I do, how to develop good ministries in the difficult conditions that would normally cause ministers to look for greener pastures. The communities we are working to develop continually face hardships with unpredictable weather conditions that keep their lands from producing good yields. The people go without food when each growing season suffers from these harsh conditions. I want to learn ways to grow vegetables and raise livestock even when water supplies are low. It is my vision to learn how to condition the land to receive the hard rains that always wash away the top soil. We are looking to Bless Ministries Mobile USA for leadership and assistance in these things. Then we can change the ways people think and overcome the difficulty of our lands.

Our goals are to help the humble families in we minister to understand the hope we have in Jesus Christ as we help them see there are better choices than what we have had to endure. We can change through the indwelling of Jesus Christ through salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit by baptism of the Spirit. Then we can use the guidance and assistance of Bless Ministries Mobile USA to make good and permanent growth for our people.

We want to make ways for children to gain a proper education and help men and women learn skills that can build up family incomes and grow an economy for local communities. It is our goal to be a source of hope for those who feel they do not have any hope.

Bonface Kithole Katana
Bless Ministries Church of Mombassa, Kenya.

Left to right:
Stanslaus Wesonga Khaika
Charles Wabuka Wanyanyi
Gabriel Okumu Kadima
I have been reaching out to build a network of Bless Ministries in Kenya by encouraging pastors in the coastal region of Mombasa City and Nairobi City. The following pastors have been licensed or endorsed through Bless Ministries Mobile USA.
Stanslaus Wesonga Khaika is the pastor of the Bless Ministries Lubanga Church in Mumias. Gabriel Okumu Kadima is the pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Mumias Town, Kenya.
We do not have pictures of the following:
Enock Onyango Oenje, pastor of the Bless Ministries Church in Nairobi City, Kenya.
Tom Koth Onyango, pastor of the Bless Ministries Church in Kisumu, Kenya.
Alex Opili, pastor of the Bless Ministries Christ Pentecostal Church, Kenya.
Charles Opemi Murumba, pastor of the Christ Pentecostal Church, Kenya.

Stanslaus Wesonga Khaika's church and congregation:
The Bless Ministries Lubanga Church in Mumias.

Bonface Kithole Katana's church:
Bless Ministries Church of Mombassa, Kenya.

The orphans under our care.

Charles Opemi Murumba's church:
The Christ Pentecostal Church, Kenya.
We want to start a new church in Busia town because we have members there. We are praying and trusting the Lord for ways to raise funds so we can buy land and start building.

Here is our present church building in Mumias with some of our members.

Youth at the church in Mumias

Some of the Elders at Mumias

Women at the church in Mumias

Sunday School Children

We minister to widows who are living in very pathetic old structures. We are hoping to find support that will help us build better houses. Most of these women are left to care for their grandchildren who have been a abandoned by their daughters. We are praying to start a feeding program for the aged because many of them do not have anyone to care for them. Many days they go without food of any kind.

This is Mary Atieno, an orphaned girls who is in High school. She is going in her 3rd form during the 2020 school year. We presently pay her school fees so we are appealing on her behalf for to support complete her high school. She is among the many need orphans we support .

Roselyne Aloo is a physically challenged tailor who has always work with an old manual sewing machine.
We want to given her new electric sewing machine so we are praying for the capital to purchase this machine.

Philip Ameyo Wangolo he was born with physically disability where he could only crawl on his knees. Through some friends of our ministry we were able to take Philip to the Kijabe Bethany Children Cure Center for an operation on his legs. Today he can walk. We have helped him to receive training as a shoe maker. His need now is to raise capital for purchasing an electric sewing machine. This will allow Philip a way to care for himself and a family some day.

Thank you for viewing our webpage.
Please pray about how you can help us in this wonderful work of God.
If you donate, please enter "Wanyanyi" in the notes of the donation form.
May the Heavenly Father bless you.