Last Generation Ministry
PWD village, Kawambaw, Zambia

I am Chaabby Chabala, the pastor of the Last Generation Ministries located in the PWD village of Kawambwa, in the Luapula Province, Zambia. We work to distribute bibles and plant home churches among the remote arease and villages in the Kawambwa District.

My wife is Loveness Kaunda Chabala, and we have four children.

I am a small scale farmer that works to build our churches and reaching out to the remote areas and villages in our region.
It pained me to see the way our poor and hungry live in the remote areas, but I am encouraged by their hunger for the Word of God. Because they cannot afford bibles I continue farming and growing a garden that helps me to maintain my life while helping to supply more bibles for those we are ministering among.

Besides our work among the poor in our district, I am teaching the members of the Last Generation Ministry that we must reach out to other cities beyond our district just as God has reached out to us, we are to reach out to other cities. We are preparing church members for mission outreach by praying, counseling together, organizing, and agreeing on a Bible-based plan. God works with us to reach all classes of society, in all parts of the world.

We are motivated by the love of Jesus to have compassion for humanity. When we see they multitudes of people suffering around us, we pray and ask the Lord, "What can we do, and who can we sent." We continue to teach and develop workers that are able to go do the work.

We face our fears for strange places and possible persecutions using the Word of God for knowledge and the Holy Spirit as our comfort. Our fellowship of believers brings strength and encouragement to each other, and we overcome the fear through faith and love in what we are doing.

Please help us continue building our vision. Click the donation button and your donate from this page will be sent to us by Bless Ministries Mobile USA. Please enter "Chabby" in the notes of the donation form.
It will keep us moving forward as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and build ministry for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you for your kindness.
Please do not forget to pray for us.