Bless Ministries Children's Home
Karachi, Pakistan
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I am Baber Shahbaz Gill and my wife is Saba Baber Gill.
We work together caring for a children's home in Karachi, Pakistan. Our daughters Shanice and Savannah.

My Parents
I am from a lower middle class Christian family of seven: my parents, two brothers, two sisters and me. When I was a child my father worked for the Naya Daur Motor Company in Shersha Karachi. He was a maintenance mechanic from 1970 to 1997. He was retired with a "Golden Handshake" from his job and started his own small business of selling fresh fruit. During the time of his mechanic job my father was able to provide us with good living conditions and a good education for professional skills. We all received our educations through the 12th grade and my older brother, Khurram Gill, was able to finish through his Master's degree. I was able to obtain a diploma of hotel management from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
While I was in school I helped my father every day after 2:00 pm, selling the fresh fruits near our house. My elder brother worked as a billing assistant at the hospital while my other brother, Khawer Gill, was driving a pickup in the vegetable and fruit market. My sisters Erum and Kiran stayed at home with my mother, Seema Gill. During this time our family was very happy and financially strong.
In 1998 everything began to change as my sisters and brother became married and I was sent to Malaysia to study for my hotel management diploma, which I received in 2006. By 2013 our family had changed greatly and my older brother Khurram was working with the Standard Charter Bank as a phone bank officer. One of his colleagues turned against him because my brother is a Christian, and the colleague was Muslim. In Pakistan Christians are not allowed good positions with the banks, but Jesus showed his miracle and blessed my brother with the job. To save my brother's life my father sold our home so he could send my brother and his family to Thailand. We all had to move into a rented home.

I found myself living with my aged sick parents in a rented home with little food and no proper medicines for my parents. My father is now a heart patient and my mother is a kidney patient. My mother had one kidney remove because of damage due to kidney stones. My father is 68 years old and my mother is 61 years old.

In 2016 the church we were working with was attacked by Muslim extra Islamic Moulana families who burned down the church. Our pastor ran away to Malaysia to save his life. The extra Islamic Moulana families were shooting and killing the pastors who had churches. My wife and I agreed to assumed the responsibilities of preaching, leading worship, and continue teaching the uneducated people of our Christian lifestyle. We were going village to village, door to door, and house to house.

Out of our desperate need we were praying for answers to help us and I came in contact with Pastor Johnny Holland with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. Their programs were very encouraging to us and the more we had conversations with Pastor Johnny the more we knew God had connected us with answers to our prayers. Bless Ministries Mobile USA is guiding us in the matters of church growing and teaching us deeper things about our faith in Christ that we can use to help our poor families and our children to have a greater awareness of God's blessings.
We were maintaining the orphanage center in a five room space for the orphanage center from January 2011 through August 2015. Most of the children are special needs children that are deaf and dumb, paralyzed, blind and mentally impaired. We ensure they receive all the normal vaccinations to include for viruses, polo, and dengue; and every child receives their monthly checkups. We have receive some help with free religious study books in our Urdu language, meals three times a day, and stationary.

My wife Saba has worked as a midwife, general staff nursing, and home care medical services, in the past. I have worked for private companies, done house painting, worked polishing furniture, and fumigation pest control. Because we are Christians in a Muslim controlled country, we presently do not have work. In August 2015 the part time work Saba was doing was block as a way to persecute her for being a Christian. I was terminated from my job in September for the same reason. Because we had no way to support the Orphanage Center all the children were moved to the Muslim Orphanage Center that is a government center that is setup in every city to deal with the orphan problem in Pakistan. This facility is not safe for the children, and they do not receive proper care. Sometimes the staff rapes them sexually and uses them to help in trafficking drugs.
Bless Ministries Mobile USA was the first ones to show us we can have hope for the orphaned and needy children of Pakistan. We believe in the vision of Bless Ministries and we will remain committed to our partnership with them. We know that once the Lord God has blessed them with the things God has promised, we will be able to start over and help the children and people of our villages and communities once again.

October 31, 2018 Asia Bibi, the Christian who was imprisoned and sentenced to death in Pakistan for giving water to a co-worker was released after her sentenced was overturned. This brought outrage by Muslims across Pakistan. The Muslims who knew about my older brother escaping to Thailand with his family use this as an opportunity to attack my family. They knew where we lived and they responded by announcing that the Christians living on our street would be killed within 24 hours. We left for our protection but the Muslims attacked our rented house, causing damage to the walls, door and windows. I reported this to Pastor Johnny Holland at Bless Ministries Mobile USA. He starting praying over our situation and God heard his prayer. Now the Police have set up a check post on our street to protect us from any further attacks. Hallelujah, prayer is our strong weapon and God is faithful to His children!

Asia Bibi

Pastor Johnny Holland has been teaching us that God will harvest the prayers from Bless Ministries Mobile USA to manifest blessings for us here in Karachi, Pakistan. We have been believing this and asking the Lord every day to makes his miracle work for us in the Holy Spirit. In early December 2018 we were continuing to believe that the Lord was going to manifest our prayers into miracles that brings finances so we can have a Christmas party for the disabled children we still minister to in the Muslim Orphanage Center. Early the next morning the postman knocked on our door to deliver us a special post. Inside was a money order for 60,000 Rupees. That is $600 USD. The money was from the Benazir Income Support Program which I registered for several years ago. This program was established to help middle class families and house wives. Our application was approved to receive the money.

Praise the Lord! God harvested our prayers and the prayers of Bless Ministries Mobile USA by manifesting finances for us through our own Government. We were able to purchase what we needed to have the Christmas party for the children.

We did not restrict our blessings only to the children we ministered to, but we included gifts for 160 school children, 200 bed lying children, and we had a onetime meal for 360 children.

The manifestations did not stop there. Our Facebook friend, Matthew Dixxon donated $150 USD, 20,000 Rupees, through this webpage, of which we have received. Now we are in position to reopen our own orphanage again. By the grace and mercy of the Lord through the prayers of Bless Ministries and our family, and the kindness of Matthew Dixxon, God has favored us with manifested blessings allowing us to begin our reopening. Hallelujah!
Here are some of the wonderful people who help us in our work.

We have started our own YouTube channel with our first video that shows how to protect yourself from the Covid-19 virus.
Here is a link to the video: https://youtu.be/0Ca8AWy6W4w?t=2
And we now have the Sacred And Holy Bible Verses Channel From Pakistan: https://youtu.be/APh3SEAkeYw
Please go to our channel and subscribe so you can receive all of our posts.
Special Project:
We are working to purchase our own land and build the Bless Ministries Children's Home of Pakistan. This will be a special home for children with disabilities. The land is a 200 yard plot that will have a Children's building and a family house for our family to live in.
The Land will cost $5,200 USD.
The Children's Home and Family Home will cost $4000 to build.
To complete this project will total $9,200.
Please pray with how you can help us complete this project.

Project Goal: $5200 USD Received: $0.00 Completed: 0%
If your heart is touched by this powerful testimony and you would like to help Baber and Saba in their ministry, please pray for what the Lord would have you do. When you donate, please enter "Babar Gill" in the notes of the donation form.
Please remember to pray for us. Our conditions remain dangerious but we will continue to build the vision the Lord has given us.