Bless Ministries Church
Riondabu, Kenya
I am Aroni Nyabuto Romans from Riondabu, Kenya. I am married to my beloved wife, Moraa, and we have been blessed with 2 children: Brevene and Quinton.

In 2008 I got the call from God to do His work. In 2009 there was a large crusade being held in Nyamarambe town by a pastor named Vincent Goddard. His messages that week convinced me to open my heart and accepted the Word of God and let Jesus into my life.

My family started a young home fellowship in April 2010 here in Kisii, Kenya. We started as a prayer center, but after many neighbors joined us, we decided to name the center the Riondabu Fellowship Church.

In 2011 there were many land disputes between the Luios and Kisii tribes that resulted in many people dying. This left many orphans in our area without hope. My wife found a child on the roadside coming home from the market one day, so she brought the child home with her. This has led to us adopting the child. I have met with several churches and we have accepted the challenges of looking after many of these needy children. It was decided that the children would stay with my family in our home. This year we have hosted a total of 37 orphans. 32 stay with us and 5 come to our for help and training but live in their own homes. There are many challenges these children endure since there is no constant source of income for the basic needs of life like food, shelter, clothing, and education.

The work of the Lord is not easy to do here because there are many with superstitious beliefs and we have so much violence and unrest in our country. Add to this the oppositions we face from the Moslem and Alisabab people; it has made things very difficult to minister in our region of Kenya. With all of these difficulties, we are still working to reach the forgotten men and women to win them to Jesus Christ. Despite persecution, reproaches, and insults, we will continue to do what we can until our last breath.

We go into the rural areas and jungles to meet with desperate families, orphans, and widows and share the riches of Christ with them. As we go from house to house, we distribute literature and setting up gospel meetings. It requires us to walk on rocky roads and face the night time dangers of the jungle and rural areas. We do all this because we are steadfast to see the Lord's work done.

Kenya is a community of good people that have been saturated with false doctrines and many publications that continue to lead people in error about faith in Jesus Christ or what a Christian truly is. I found Bless Ministries Mobile USA through the internet and was encouraged by the level of teaching this ministry was displaying. After making contact with Pastor Johnny Holland and seeing the commitment of him and his ministry, I was touched by the rare approach Bless Ministries takes to assist other ministries. Our correspondence led helped our ministry to be established under their leadership. We changed our name to Bless Ministries Church, Riondabu, Kenya, and now we have a clearer direction for building our hope and strength in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this webpage. Please pray for ways you would be able to help us as we continue reaching the hopeless with the gospel. To donate, click the button and Bless Ministries Mobile USA will ensure we get your kind generosity. Please enter my name in the notes of the donation form.
Most of all, remember to pray for us.
Thank You.