Bless Ministries Church
of Riokindo Market
Riokindo Market, Kisii County, Kenya
I am Andrew Mokoro, the pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Riokindo Market, in Kisii Country, Kenya. Our community has a population of about 20,000 inhabitants. I work with my wife Hellen and our four children to teach the people of the Riokindo Market that living for Jesus Christ is a way of life and not just a religious faith.

From left to right: Younger son Seth, Myself, Wife Hellen, Beavon, Emmah, and Rehema.
When I was 45 years old I was working in Nairobi, I lived a life of drunkenness and sin. Though I grew up with parents that were members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, I had not regard for the goodness of God, and I was disobedient in many things. One day a heard God's word being preached on the streets of Nairobi by a man of God. I accepted his message of the gospel and confessed Jesus as my personal savior. Then I was baptized. This gave me the desire to return home, but there was no church near my village. The more I looked into the Word of God, I realized my call to preach the gospel so I started having a local Bible study in our home.

I am now 50 years old and we have and active bible study group.

I searched the internet for possible things to teach. I came across the website of Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama that had many resources I could use to minister and teach in the Bible Study group.
We are teaching the members to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness so that "All things will be added unto us." We desired to expand our bible study into a church that is teaching and ministering in the community. After making contact with Pastor Johnny Holland of Bless Ministries Mobile USA, we were made partners in ministry as the Bless Ministries Church of Riokindo Market, Kisii County, Kenya.
We ware issued certificates of license and established as ministry. We are now being mentored by Pastor Johnny Holland and Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama.

Pastors Andrew and wife Hellen

My family and I do some small scale farming that helps to sustain us and put some finances in the ministry.
We are working according to Matthew 28:18-20 and sharing the gospel to those in our community.
Our vision is to preach a gospel and reach the world as we meet weekly for prayers and fellowship, to share the word of God. We also go to the market place once every month to evangelize and share the love of Jesus Christ to our community.

In October 2022 we held a civic education meeting in our community to help the people learn more about the Word of God and how to grow agriculture produce for sustaining the livelihood of the people. We have made it our purpose to educate people and stand against poverty and illiteracy. I facilitated over this civic meeting and joined with some government officials to start making good changes in our community.

We are having a great spiritual journey with our newly established church and we have great hope for what the Lord is doing through our ministry. Please help us by making a donation so we can share the gospel with more and reach beyond our own little world. When you make a donation, please enter "Mokoro" in the notes of the donation form.
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Pray for us.
God bless you.