Bless Ministries Church of Chwele
Chwele, Bungoma, Kenya
I am Alex Mukhisa, a pastor who serves the Lord and people of Bungoma, Kenya, with my wife Esther and our five children: Gloria (13 yrs), Joan (11 yrs), Jared (8 yrs), Joy (6 yrs), and Jacob (3 yrs).

In 2015 Esther and I decided we would quit our former church due to economical constraints and move to the Chwele Trading Center in Bungoma County located on the western border near Uganda. We hoped to do some business there for making a living. We did not join a church in Chwele, instead we had a burden of sharing the Good News to whoever we came across. We started making evening visits to houses, sharing and praying with the families who were receptive. We happened to unite with Patrick and Beatrice, a married couple who joined us in our efforts to share the gospel. Together we started having daily evening prayer meetings, which led to establishing a house church in our home. I became the pastor and Patrick is my associate pastor along with our wives. After having services in my house for six months we resolved to hire a small portion of land that we might place a temporary structure on. This is where we conduct our Sunday services today.

Assistanct Pastor Patrick and Beatrice are on the left.
We had 62 members after only one and a half years.

I was born in a Catholic family but in 1993 my friend, who was older than me, requested I accompany him to their church which was an evangelical church. While the pastor was preaching, I was convinced in my heart that I really needed to be saved, what he was saying is to be born again. The pastor explained how religion is vain – how it could not save anyone. Then he explained how Jesus Christ is the only remedy for one to receive a new life, eternal life, everlasting life. At the end of the sermon, he made an altar call and I was among the people that went in front to be prayed for. I prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I started attending their New Believers’ class and Sunday services which helped me to grow spiritually and mature in the faith.
After 5 years I was appointed by the pastor as the youth leader and Sunday school teacher. I held these responsibilities until I got married to Esther 2002.
Ministry Goals:
1. To reach out to the lost, mobilize and disciple according to Mathew 28:19-20.
2. To establish more churches in Kenya and beyond.
3. To carry out intensive evangelism through open air meetings (crusades), conferences and workshops.
4. To purchase sound system (public address) for church services and crusaders and conferences.
5. To purchase pieces of land and construct church buildings.
6. To care for the orphans and other vulnerable persons – by providing tuition, clothing and many others i.e. basic needs.
7. Construct school(s) and centers for the needy children.

We recently established a small group of believers in Uganda and set them up in a house church.

In January of this year (2018) I was in a cybercafé searching for information about the International Criminal Court in the country of Holland (Netherlands). When I typed in the word Holland, among the results was the name Johnny Holland with several options. Instead of continuing my search with the criminal court I noticed one of the options under this name was Johnny Holland, the pastor of Bless Ministries Mobile, Alabama. I went to his Facebook page and opened up pastor Holland's profile, and started chatting with him on Messenger. He provided me with his website address and sent me information about becoming partners in ministry. We did not have a name for our church, but after working through their process, Bless Ministries of Mobile USA has issued us an establishment letter and certificates of licenses for our ministry staff. We chose to reflect the vision of Bless Ministries USA and named our church Bless Ministries Church of Chwele, Bungoma, Kenya.

We recently launch a vison that will enlarge our outreach while helping all of our members to be more personally involved in the ministry work. We are committed to carry out mid-week services in believer's houses in a rotational order every Thursday evening. We are teaching evangelism by visiting houses, going into market places and going to the hospitals twice a week. Our efforts have repeated a harvest of new souls to our ministry and new members to our church.
We are very excited that believers are learning the blessings of giving to the Lord. Besides their willingness to minister in our outreach vision, they are contributing well to our offerings each service. We have set goals to rent a simple sound system and plastic chairs for our Sunday services. Contributions are helping for us to purchase a plot of land for our own worship center. Our people are learning well the joys of giving to the Lord's work. We have started trusting the Lord to fulfill our vision to have our own worship center that is not rented.

We are having a great spiritual journey with our newly established church and we have great hope for what the Lord is doing through our ministry. Please help us by making a donation so we can share the gospel with more and reach beyond our own little world. Please enter "Mukhisa" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for readying our webpage.
Pray for us. God bless you.