Bless Ministries of Bhogireddypalli
Bhogireddypalli, India

I was an orphan as a child and lived in a children's home that is located in Machilipatnam, Andhra Pardesh. A.E. Hyny, a missionary woman from Finland, came to India with the desire to open a children's home and school to help with the orphan problem that existed in India. I was allowed to live in this home and A.E. Hyny became my spiritual mother.

I am Abraham Kodali, the Pastor of Bless Ministries of Bhogireddypalli, located in the Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India. For twenty-two years we have been working to feeding poor people, help widows, and running a sewing machine center that ministers from our Church, the Bless Ministries Church of Bhogireddypalli.
I have been married to Swarnalata since 1997 and we have a daughter, Rauni; and a son, Jim Tony.

In 1989, while my spiritual mother was praying, she heard God tell her that I had been chosen by the Lord to minister the gospel. At that time I had been selected to serve in the Indian Army. When my mother told me what the Lord had said to her I prayed, "Oh Lord, show me your will to either go to the army or minister for you?" I heard the voice of the Lord say, "You have to come join in my army." I resigned from my army selection and told my mother that I would go to bible college but it had to be a pentecostal bible college. By the grace of God, in 1990 I was able to attend the Pentecostal International Bible College in Bangalore, Karnataka, India for two years. During this time I worked as a hotel warden. In 1992 I was enrolled in the Southern Asia Bible College at Bangalore where I finished my Bachelor's Degree. I finished my Master's degree by 2005.

In 1996 my spiritual mother sent me to Bhogireddypalli to start building a ministry and church. We did the work for many years, not actually giving a name to our ministry. We thought we might name it Calvary Agape Ministries, but never made a final decision and we never registered the ministry.

In 2006 the missionary who was my spiritual mother passed away and is now with the Lord. Because she died the financial support we were getting from Finland stopped. We needed the ministry to be named and registered so we could start raising donations to assist building this ministry. One of the pastors in a neighboring church advised me to contact Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, in the United States for help to register our ministry. I looked at their website on the internet and made contact with Bless Ministries Mobile USA. The President, Pastor Johnny Holland and I started a dialogue in August 2020. I was so impressed with their entire program we chose to have our name registered as Bless Ministries of Bhogireddypalli.

My wife Swarnalata, completed a nursing course and a tailoring course to teach the women who work in our sewing machine center.

Our son Tony is in his final year of studying engineering. He is a good musician who plays the keyboard and sings. He is becoming a great worship leader.

Our daughter Rauni, completed the BSC Nursing course in 2019 and works as a nurse. She also works with us in this great calling the Lord has given us to minister through Bless Ministries of Bhogireddypalli, India. Our greatest work continues to reach the Hindu people and their communities.

We now have churches in seventeen locations across the state of Andhra Pradesh where we are running a sewing machine center to train women as tailors to have clothing for the widows and orphan children, and to serve as income for the women.
Because I was an orphan child, I understand firsthand the drama children in India face. We are working to provide good housing, food, and clothing for as many orphans as possible throughout all of our ministries.
We continue to build up pastors by having conferences and seminars to encourage the ministries and build up financial support for income. The needs are great but we trust in the faithfulness of God to supply all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. It is our continuous prayer that the Lord will use Bless Ministries Mobile USA and supply the promise He made to Pastor Johnny Holland for finances to the support all that we do.

Thank you for looking at our webpage.
Please pray about what the Lord would have you do to help us.
Thank you for any support you are led to give.
A Woman Healed of Cancer
Nancharamma was a Hindu woman living in a village twenty five kilometers from our village. She was told by her doctor that she had cancer and would die soon. Nancharamma was taking with one of the believers of our ministry who told her to believe in the of Jesus and he would heal her of the cancer. She was told to talk with the Pastor Abraham Kodali and he would pray for her. She came to Pastor Kodali and he prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ. She was healed of her cancer and Jesus gave life to her body. Nancharamma and her family was so happy, rejoicing over Jesus Christ and what he did for her, the family recently sponsored food for the church to enjoy after a holy communion service.


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