It goes without saying that most ministries are contacting us hoping to have opportunity to grow donations. God commissioned us to help ministries understand how to grow ministry. The first ways to grow ministry is not by obtaining money. It is by growing spiritually and influencing people with the gospel, then the Lord begins to prosper your ministry with finances. Our process and teachings will help you to digest this concept and grow in ways that the Lord has always shown His will.
If you have contacted us for money, you will be disappointed until you let our programs work to build every part of your ministry, not just give you money. Ministries that ask for money before they inform and grow in relationship are not ministries of integrity. You do not deserve something simply because you asked for it. God is the one who moves in the hearts of people to generate donations, not you or your organization. If you want donations, build relationships that generate kindness and desire to help toward the ones you have relationship with. Then donations will come by the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the people who are learning about you.
It is our desire to do all we can to help grow finances for your ministry, but you must not expect to receive most of your personal income and ministry income from us at Bless Ministries. Your income IS NOT our responsibility. We do not want to be misleading that we have money to send you when you need it. Our efforts here are to assist you in ways you can raise donations. One way we do this is by providing a free webpage that you can use as a platform for generating possible donations. If you will post the link we send you on your social media platforms and on letters or emails you send people and organizations, the Holy Spirit can use these things to move on people to donate from your webpage on our website.
All donation money must be designated for specific uses of church related activities such as ministering the gospel, building church and education buildings, caring for the poor and orphans, and educating through Christian school facilities. Other things are considered for personal gain and donation money should not be used to finance these other things. When you are asking for specific things in your life, we do not send money for just anything. We first have to have the money available and then it must be for the right things. If we do not have the money available we will seek the Lord on your behalf and ask him for favor and opportunity for you to raise the money.