Social media and internet access has opened up new and creative ways for ministries to become known. Today people on the other side of the world can learn of your ministry without you ever seeing them or getting to know them. The advantages for ministry to have internet exposure are more communities awareness, quick access of information to members, a greater ability to raise donations, and the vast amounts of information that a ministry can access through internet tools.
One of these tools is having your own website. A website is a more environmental friendly way to advertising a ministry. The problem is the cost or the ability to build a good website that will best reach those a ministry is trying to tap into.
This is why we offer a webpage to each of our partners. After partners have progressed to a certain level in our partnership process, we use the information they provided us through emails and their social media pages to build a webpage we post on this website under International or USA Ministries.
This is a free service to keep ministry cost down and help generate donations for each partner in ministry. To become eligible for a webpage partners must supply us with pictures and history of their ministries. Once we are convinced a ministry is real by doing certain background checks and viewing the many areas of social media they are located on, we work up a page and post it to our website. Partners are encouraged to supply us specific things they would like to see on their webpage. We notify each partner once we have posted their page and we supply them with the link to their page. This link can be posted on a any social media page, stationary and business cards, add it to another website, or included in emails to maximize opportunities to have the webpage seen.
All donations that generate from a webpage will be sent to that designated person or ministry. The only costs taken from a donation is that which is required by the transfer company we use to send the donation to them.
To see these webpages by country go to International Ministries under Ministries in the main menu above or click this link: