Answer to a Prayer
A testimony of John Jyothi Gandham the pastor of the Bless Ministries Church of Peddanapalli, India.
To see Pastor John's webpage click: Webpage

We were able to launch our new Facebook page "Bless Ministries Mobile" and our first webpage as a blog the last week of October 2015, which we tell about in the testimonial "Money on the Door". Two days into the next week we received an email from a pastor in Pedanapalli, India. He was in his home, praying and asking God for help because he had no food, little water, and needed help. He had gone to an elderly pastor and asked advice for a way to receive help because his situation was very serious. The elderly pastor told him to get on the internet and search for ministries that help other ministries. Pastor John took his advice and searched the internet by typing in "ministries that help. The first thing that came up was "Bless Ministries of Mobile" the blog. Here is the letter Pastor John sent us just two days after we had our website posted for the very first time:

11/2, 7:59am 2015
Greetings to you in the holy name of our lord Jesus Christ. It is great privilege to meet you through this letter, dear brother I am Pastor John Jyothi and I am doing the work of God in Andhra Predash in remote villages and among tribal people and bring them towards living Lord Jesus Christ. And God has called my form the darkness to the light of God to bring loses souls India and not only that giving the hope and helps of God to the helpless and hopes less people in India. My wife Rani and I did Bible Training 3 years and working among the idol worship per and bringing them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and condition house church or planning house churches (we do not have money to build a church or take a rented house for the church) I have 13 house church in different villages and I want to make them as churches in that village in coming days.
Still many have to come to know the living Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray that I may start 20 house churches in this year. And also God has given burden to feed and educated orphan children and I see a lot of orphan children in my ministry as we go different villages, house and tribal areas and we cry my seeing their pathetic condition, they do not have food to eat, no clothes to wear and no one is there to take care of them. I want to bring so many orphan children to feed them and bring them into the knowledge of God and make them great men of God to bring Glory and Honor to Jesus in the Land of idolatry.

I do not have much financial aid to feed the children so I am feeding 10 orphan children out of my tithe and offerings. If you would like to help us I can bringing many children and feed them. Please pray for us we are very poor families here we do not have food to eat, no water and clothes suffering like anything and I am writing this letter with tears and I am hoping that God will hear my cry through you. We are disturbing free tracts in different villages, streets, bus stations and door to door evangelism by walk. And we need free tracts, free Holy Bibles, Christian literature and ministry materials. We welcome to our land of India to share love of Jesus to our idol worshipers and bring great revival in land of India . And my orphan children, churches and family daily praying for you, your family and ministry. Looking for your reply, Your brother Gjohn Jyothi Gandham.