Ministère racheté de Matangamano
Matangamano, Kenya

Bonjour, je suis le pasteur John Nyabuto Onyancha, pasteur du ministère Matangamano Redeemed à Matangamano, sous-comté de Nyaisero, Kisii, Kenya. Nous sommes une église filiale envoyée par l'église principale du campus, également située dans le comté de Kisii. Ma femme, Anna Kerubo, et moi travaillons ensemble à la construction de cette nouvelle église filiale pour montrer les manifestations et la gloire de Dieu alors que nous évangélisons nos communautés environnantes avec l'évangile.

Notre famille était pauvre et incapable de payer les frais de scolarité, ce qui m'a forcé à abandonner l'école. J'ai pu trouver un moyen d'aller dans une école technique où j'ai suivi une formation de chauffeur. En 1984 j'ai acquis ma carte CDL qui m'a permis de commencer à avoir des contrats temporaires en tant que chauffeur privé.

I believe this is the Church's finest hour. God's power is being poured out, and His spirit is moving. The vast fields of this world are ripe for harvest, and our time to shine has come. Our purpose is to promote and teach Biblical discipleship throughout the body of Christ.

À l'école du dimanche de l'église Matangamano Redeemed Ministry, j'ai montré des compétences en leadership qui ont poussé l'église à me nommer pasteur adjoint en 2002.
En 2005, alors que je conduisais une course rurale-urbaine, mon véhicule a eu des problèmes mécaniques où quelque chose a éclaté, ce qui m'a fait perdre le contrôle, ce qui a entraîné un grave accident. Mes blessures étaient si graves qu'il a fallu amputer une de mes jambes. Le soutien de ma famille et de mon église m'a aidé à traverser la période de convalescence et à continuer à grandir en Jésus-Christ. La miséricorde de notre Seigneur et Sauveur m'a aidé à surmonter les luttes de perdre une jambe. Je suis resté pasteur adjoint de l'église jusqu'en 2010, date à laquelle ils ont envoyé ma famille comme nouvelle famille de pasteurs pour leur église filiale dans la division Sengera du comté de Kisii.

We started the Hope Orphanage Rescue Center after watching the violence that orphans and widows endured during the post-election of 2009. We have given assistance to many people through the rescue center.
I had prayed almost every day, crying out to God to be connected with a ministry that would partner with us in doing the kingdom work He had given us to do. After much prayer, it downed in my heart to "Google Bless God Ministries." When I did, Bless Ministries of Mobile, Alabama, was among those that came up under Bless Ministries. Knowing this was a divine connection, I contacted them and our partnership began.

By all means possible, spread the word of God and the message of the cross and salvation by the grace of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. To bring people to Jesus Christ through evangelism/film showing and membership in his church family, develop them to Christ-like maturity through basic Biblical teachings, equip them for their ministry in the church by service and life mission in the world, to magnify God's name.
Mission Statement:
We inspire and serve our local and global communities in spiritual evolution and support individuals in their personal growth and spiritual transformation.
The Ministry is established to proclaim repentance from sin and teach God's word in preparation for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Core Values:
God Glorified in Worship
Commitment to God's Word and Teaching Mission and Evangelism
Family Oriented Ministry to all Age Groups
The Exchanged Life -Equipping the Saints for the Work of Service
Serving One Another in Love -Qualified Biblical Leadership
Devoted to Prayer
The Hope of Salvation Fellowship Ministries specializes in Baptism because it brings new believers into the church (1 Corinthians 12:13) and defines their relationship to the church.
Our Primary School offers an ongoing primary education with seventy students from Baby Class to Grade 3. Most of these students are either partial or total orphans. Our initiative has been supporting the children through willing families who have been taking the children as part of their families.
We believe that if God can supply the following items, our impact on society can be very effective.
Literature & Tracts: bibles, books, commentaries, teachings, music video projectors, flash disks, magazines, reference study bibles.
Three motorbikes for evangelism and quick transportation within the area.
Church/Outreach Instruments: Drum set, Keyboard, trumpets, Power Amp/Mixer, speakers.
A Ministry Van for the missions and the initiative.
Used Computers or laptops for office use and training.
Used clothing, blankets, sheets, bed covers, and shoes for our Hope Orphanage Rescue Center.
The Hope of Salvation Fellowship Ministries lives solely by faith. We obey God's calling and work with a full-time outreach. We welcome partners, sponsors, and donors for this Kingdom expansion work.

Please pray for how you can help us to become a stronger and more stable ministry. When you donate, please enter "Mathew Ongere" in the notes of the donation form.
Thank you for looking at our webpage.
God bless you.