An Angel Delivered a Pastor
On March 27, 2017 we received this message from Pastor Wambede Sam Rogers of the United Mission Church Life Ministry in Bumalakha, Uganda:
Praise God Pastor Johnny,
I thank God for your words of encouragement that you have empowered to me. For sure servant of God it has not been easy, I have tormented by abductors or kidnapers. But may His name be praised, they have left me alive and I thank God for that. But still pray for me pastor because am over persecuted. But I believe also God was persecuted like that. But pastor remain encouraged in the name of Jesus. Pastor may God bless you in the ministry of God.
Pastor Wambade Sam Rogers
We tried to reach him and people in his ministry but it was almost three weeks before we heard anything. We were praying that God would send angels to rescue him.
Then we received this email:
Sun 4/16/2017 7:58 AM
Wambede Sam Rogers <wambedesamrogers@gmail.com>
Praise God Pastor Johnny
This to inform you that God has been merciful and loving to my life and His work too. May His name be glorified. As earlier communicated before that I had been poisoned and that poison I drink it through water and some in food and was to just finish three days in my body and it pass on. I thank God for being alive and in that due process of the poisoning I had developed some severe diarrhea, headache and general body weakness. As I was having those challenges I had gone out for long call with my wife. After that I went back inside the house these men grabbed me by hand when I was locking the door. They pulled me outside unfortunately.

As they held me I tried to escape by running out their hands but I couldn't make it because of the body weakness that I had. Whereby I could just fall down as they held me. One had a gun and two had swords. They held a sword on my neck that I shouldn't alarm and at the legs. After that, they pushed me in the boot of the vehicle they had come with. Actually I can't tell anything about the people because it was night at around 3:00pm. During day they kept a cover on my face so I would not recognize them.
God is doing a great work in the area where am staying. As God delivers His people, there are other people who don't want to see God's work being done. That is why I was kidnapped.
As I was there, they tortured me. They injected me with chemicals which has caused my feet problems whereby I can't move and stand for a long periods of time. They asked me for money at first: 30,000,000 ($8,200 USD). I never had a single cent to give them nor did my relatives have anything to give them. They were slapping me and kicking me when asking for the money. Of course I had nothing to do, nor any drink or food, so life was over for me, but thank God am still alive.
To my rescue I had to ask my God through prayer that why should I die in this shameful way? God responded to my prayer and the prayers of my believers who were praying for me while I was under captivity. After they untied my hands and uncovered my face, I saw a lady passing around the room where they kept me. I called to her and I explained what had happened to me. For sure I knew it was an angel of the Lord who had come to my rescue and from there is where I got away and come out of that captivity. I was taken to a hospital by a good Samaritan. I received serious injuries and chemicals that the kidnappers injected in me, that has caused me to have loss of memory and paralysis of the legs. I am recovering now and as I am overcoming a stroke of one side of the body. But God whom I serve is might He heard my prayers and rescued me.

So servant of God take part in God's work and I know God still rains in every situation. And I believe that's tomorrow's testimony and stand with me in prayers to establish His work here in Uganda.
God bless you Johnny Holland.
Pastor Wambede Sam Rogers